Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering Throughout December

We all remember the pastor or missionary who made a difference in our lives. The ones who were with us in the big moments and small. With leadership, listening, wisdom, condolence or just the right prayer when needed most, their selfless service has a lasting effect. The Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (RMMO) is a way to give back. A joint project of ABCUSA and MMBB, RMMO funds are distributed to ABCUSA retired ordained ministers and commissioned missionaries who have devoted 15 years or more to our denomination, as well as surviving spouses. The offering will be received on Sunday, December 1 and throughout the month. Special offering envelopes are available in the narthex and the pew racks. If contributing with a check, please make it out to Noank Baptist Church with RMMO on the memo line.

Stewardship for 2025

The 2025 Stewardship Campaign is underway! Please join us as we prepare our commitments for 2025. The finance team needs your support to prepare the 2025 budget. Thank you for your continuing generosity!

Fellowship Hour with Refreshments

Please join us as we resume our after-worship fellowship time in the parlor with food and drink.  Feel free to leave treats in the freezer downstairs. The people planning each gathering are Betsey Goetsch (first Sunday each month), Debbie Garmon (second), Sandy Mansfield (third), and Rebecca Watson (fourth). If you can help by bringing baked goods, fresh fruit, or veggies and dip, please let them know so they can plan accordingly.

Online Giving to NBC

The finance team has set up two ways to donate online, as a one-time gift or a recurring donation. Look for the “Donate to NBC” link at the top of the website home page and follow the instructions. The second option is the new Vanco Mobile app. Download the app, search for Noank Baptist and follow the instructions. Online giving is convenient and secure!